Heart-healthy* with protein, fiber, flavonoids and minerals, this native nut packs supersized nutrients.
The unique mix of unsaturated fats, plant sterols, fiber, and flavonoids all add up to make American Pecans a unique superfood choice.
10 mg of flavonoids 36 mg of plant sterols
8 mcg of beta carotene, provitamin A 7 mg gamma-tocopherols, a form of vitamin E
A trio of essential vitamins: 60% DV manganese, 40% DV copper, and 10% DV zinc
18 grams, primarily monounsaturated fat (60% of total fat), including oleic acid, only 2 grams saturated fat
Good source of filling dietary fiber, 11% DV
3 grams of plant-based protein
Excellent source for metabolism health, 60% DV manganese
Certified by the American Heart Association’s® Heart-Check Program
Morgan WA, Clayshulte BJ. Journal of American Dietetic Association. 2000; 100(3):312-8.
Haddad E, Jambazian P, Karunia M, Tanzman J, Sabate J. Nutrition Research. 2006;26:397-402.
Rajaram S, Burke K, Connell B, Myint T, Sabaté J. Journal of Nutrition. 2001;131:2275-9.